Our Services
Value-Based Life Coaching
Increase your capacity for experiencing joy, peace, and confidence. We’ll give you the tools and guidance in a safe environment so you can create the life you envision for yourself.
Meet one-on-one with one of our certified Value-Based Life Coaches. We’ll help you gain clarity on what you want to be experiencing in your life, and how to create it- all compassed by your individualized values.
TurningLeaf Seminars
A journey to help you unlock your full potential. Our three-day seminars are a series of experiential challenges and reflective processes that teach you how to identify the beliefs and behaviors that may be limiting your peace and joy. Our goal is to give you the knowledge and tools needed to use healthy coping skills in your life, and as a result, create a greater capacity to create the life you want to live. TurningLeaf Seminars are an opportunity to start seeing yourself in a more honest and healthy way within a safe group environment.
The “Wakening” Seminar is designed to help you strengthen your inner beliefs and identity. We’ll help you explore your relationship with the world and how it has impacted you. You will learn how to honor your truth, redeem your value, and heal relationships that have been diminished. Learn how to cope with painful emotions, and create more capacity to experience joy, peace, and confidence. You deserve it.
Level 1
The “Discernment” Seminar focuses on challenging the belief systems within you that are creating inner blocks. Discernment is a powerful tool that arms you with the clarity to know the difference between what is true and what is false. Learn to dispel the myths you may have decided about yourself in the past, and find peace and serenity in your own heart and mind. Start expressing yourself from a place of truth, confidence, and inner strength.
Level 2
The “Balance” Seminar will help you explore the difference between healthy and unhealthy fear. Healthy fear serves to keep us safe and motivates us to avoid danger. Unhealthy fear, however, can hinder us from taking action in creating the life we want. Learn to challenge and release the fears that are holding you back within a safe environment. As a result, you will increase your ability to feel safe in living as your authentic self, and create the experiences you want to be having in your life.
Level 3
The “Empowerment” Seminar will help you become aware of environmental triggers that are affecting your emotional experience. These triggers can have the ability to bring you back to a past emotion, and affect your present lens. Empowerment comes when we learn how to respond to our environment rather than react. Learn a process to become aware of, and further disconnect from false beliefs. Reconnect to your truth, move forward in your life, and allow yourself to become the person that you truly are.
Level 4
The “Influence” Seminar is designed to help you see and honor the unique gifts that you have to offer the world. Influence isn’t about how many likes you get, or if you go viral. Real influence begins with you impacting the world by allowing your embodied, true self to ripple out into your relationships and communities. Influence happens when we can bravely look at the places that need healing within us. It is stepping into action to create movement in your life and paving the way for others to do the same.
Level 5
Corporate Coaching
Elevate your company's potential with our life coaching program tailored to nurture the well-being and productivity of your employees. Our comprehensive approach offers a range of options to suit your organization's needs. From interactive training sessions delving into stress management techniques, communication skills, and goal setting, to weekly personalized meetings with employees, our expert coaches provide invaluable guidance and support.
Additionally, our dynamic presentations offer insightful perspectives on resilience, teamwork, trust and personal development, empowering your team to thrive in both professional and personal spheres. Invest in your company's success by investing in the growth and fulfillment of your most valuable asset – your employees.
Life Coach Certification Program
Ready to help us spread the word? After completing our TurningLeaf Seminar series, you can learn how to do what we do with our year-long Life Coach Certification Program.
As a Value-Based Life Coach, you will have a knowledgeable skill set that will give you the ability to lend a helping hand in guiding and encouraging personal growth for others.
The program includes the following:
-In-person weekend training, once monthly for the year
-1:1 Coaching Session every other week
-Weekly Class Zoom
-Personal Remarkable Tablet
-All Materials Provided
Next tentative Program starting August 2024.
Free Resources
“Move Your Feet” Group:
Weekly Support Group for graduates of our Level 1 Seminar
Mondays from 5:30-7pm
We hold a weekly support group for those who have attended our Level 1 Seminar. Come share the space with others in our community while we discuss our lives, and how we can continuously apply healthy coping skills learned from the Level 1 Seminar.
Watch our Tuesday Night Live Videos:
Check out our Instagram and YouTube pages for videos of our coaches Dean and Kate talking about healthy coping skills and value-based living.